Meeting the methane challenge

Discover CATF’s Country Methane Abatement Tool today

CoMAT is an easy-to-use software that allows governments to estimate the methane pollution from their country’s oil and gas industry and develop mitigation plans that can reduce emissions.

The CoMAT dashboard displayed on a simplified laptop screen, a special callout focuses on an industry contributor list showing how values are editable.

The Need

Reducing methane emissions is the fastest way to slow global warming

Methane emissions are 80x more damaging than carbon dioxide in the short term and reducing them is critical for our planet to stay within the 1.5 degree warming threshold. Deep and rapid cuts to methane emissions are essential to limiting and reducing peak warming.

Two images overlayed, the front shows thermal imaging of invisible methane emissions, the other shows a modern gas processing plant.

Why CoMAT?

CoMAT is free, easy to use, and designed to meet your needs

CoMAT addresses some of the most significant barriers that governments face around emissions estimates, abatement potential projections and moving policies forward to reduce methane pollution.

Here’s how it works

CoMAT uses a process that allows countries to continually refine their estimations based on the best available information about their country’s oil and gas industry.

  • Start with general information about current oil and gas production and consumption in your country – or use projections for a future year.
  • Modify existing values about your oil and gas infrastructure: number of wells, compressor stations, miles of pipeline and more.
  • Tailor the built-in equipment inventory based on your onthe-ground knowledge of oil and gas operations in your country. Unavailable information can be estimated with the tool’s default parameters.
  • Enter the values that best reflect your country’s unique case. You can make estimates using CoMAT’s default assumptions or modify them based on additional information specific to your country.
A visual of an industry contributor list from the CoMAT application showing how values are editable
User interface visuals from the CoMAT application, showing how data is visualized with colorful bar graphs.
  • Explore the tool’s mitigation planning functionality and design your country’s Methane Abatement Plan by applying leading global policies and proven best practices.
  • View potential mitigation reductions by emission source.
  • Review the leading methane policies and regulatory requirements using CoMAT’s fully digitized Policy Library.
  • Gain access to industry resources, definitions and view how CoMAT’s calculations work via the information tools.
  • Collaborate with your team and CATF’s experts by leaving notes, comments, and sharing knowledge or resources.

Contact our team of experts to learn more about CoMAT’s full list of features and capabilities.

Take the lead

CATF’s experts are available and ready to work closely with you, your government, civil society, other NGOs, and interested stakeholders throughout every step of the process – at no cost.

With our team by your side, you can use CoMAT to assess needs, inform policies and move forward effective solutions that will lead to significant emission reductions.

Photo of Jonathan Banks

Jonathan Banks

Global Director, Methane Pollution Prevention

Photo of Lesley Feldman

Lesley Feldman

Research and Analysis Manager, Methane
Pollution Prevention

Photo of Alfredo Miranda Gonzalez

Alfredo Miranda-González

Deputy Director, International Methane

Photo of Heny Patel

Heny Patel

Program Analyst, Methane Pollution Prevention

Let’s get started!

Learn more about CoMAT and how it can support your methane emission reduction goals.

Contact us today to schedule a CoMAT demo session!

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